domingo, 31 de marzo de 2013

House at Big Hill / Kerstin Thompson Architects

This project by Kerstin Thompson Architects near Victoria’s Great Ocean Road is characterised by a restrained material palette and singular form. The triangular plan, semi-recessed into the sloping site, is orientated to take advantage of the 180 degree views towards the townships of Lorne and Airey’s Inlet and of Bass Strait through a filter of mature eucalypts. Responding to the clients preference for a solid building a natural grey concrete block was selected for the walls, both inside and out. In combination with a black ceiling and dark roof the house is effectively camouflaged within its bush landscape.
The interior has an intimate quality achieved through the careful modulation of natural light and shadow and the use of timber accents which offset the concrete floors and blockwork walls. Views are captured by picture frame windows that become spaces to occupy through deep reveals and window seats. A contrast to the lightweight beach house this dwelling instead provides a solid retreat from which to contemplate the extremes of this beautiful west coast landscape. via afflante

viernes, 29 de marzo de 2013

Maison Vinh

Maison Vihn by Ludmilla Cerveny 
via wo and we

jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

Liebster Award

We have been awarded  a Liebster!

I am very happy because the blog Autoconstruccion madera has awarded us a Liebster. Thank you very much Cristian!This is one of the reasons why I keep writting every day on the blog! In Autoconstruccion madera you can find  interesting posts about construction techniques for a sustainable houses.

Liebster prize is given to new blogs, to support them and help them to be well known. You can be awarded just by any other blog that has been previously awarded. Rules are: You have got to thank the prize, answer 11 questions that has been asked to you by the prize givers and to award 11 blogs more that you are interested in and you also have to ask them eleven questions about their blog.

The awarded blogs:

1. ¿Cuál fue el impulso que te hizo escribir tu blog?
   Pues la verdad es que fue algo muy espontáneo, me dedico al sector inmobiliario y al diseño de interiores, así que el blog surgió como una forma de recopilar aquellos lugares donde me gustaría vivir.
2.  ¿Cuál es tu blog favorito, al que entras todos los días?
   Me resulta imposible escoger un solo blog, pero freundevonfreunden me parece exquisito.
3. ¿Cómo consigues nuevos seguidores, desde dónde te han encontrado tus followers?
  Creo que la mejor forma es entrar en las comunidades de bloggers pero en mi caso pinterest y facebook son una muy buena manera de conseguir followers.
4. ¿Ciudad o campo?
   Ahora ciudad, en un futuro campo.
5.  ¿Cuál es tu arquitecto favorito y por qué?
   Me gusta mucho el estilo Mid Century americano y arquitectos como John Lautner. El estilo brutalista de Paul Rudolph pero sobretodo su trabajo en residencias. Los grandes Le corbusier, Niemeyer, Mies van der Rohe por ser visionarios. Y hay un estudio en India, Mumbai Architects, a los que contrataría para que hicieran mi casa.
6. ¿Cómo te gustaría que fuera tu casa? tu refugio...
   En una isla del Mediterraneo…
7. ¿Dónde te imaginas dentro de 3 años?
   Hace tres años que llegué a Barcelona y mi vida no tiene nada que ver a cuando llegué, así que de aquí tres años no sabría decir.
8. ¿Qué es lo mejor que te ha pasado por escribir en el blog?
    Las felicitaciones de la gente, muchos que les gusta lo que haces, he visto mis diseños en blogs como     French by Design, Bungalow 5, o The Brick House.
9. ¿Cuál es tu entrada más popular?
10. ¿Te han ofrecido trabajo o colaboraciones por haber visto tu blog?
  A través del blog he conseguido clientes para proyectos de interiorismo, y ahora vamos a empezar a colaborar con nuevos diseñadores para concursos online.

Questions to the awarded blogs:

Why did you began to writte your blog?
How many hours do you spend every day writting in your blog?
Is your blog related with your profesion?
What inspires you for your postings?
Do you follow any other blogs?
What do you follow most? International or national blogs?
How often do you post?
Wich are your three favourite blogs?
Did you get any job or colaboration because of your blog?
What is the most important, the writing or the visual aspects?

Mary Gaudin

Mary is a New Zealand photographer living in Montpellier, France.
Currently she divides her time between France and London and as much other travelling as she can do. via antipodeuse

miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013

Maison de Verre 1932 / Pierre Chareau

The Maison de Verre (French for House of Glass) was built from 1928 to 1932 in Paris, France. Constructed in the early modern style of architecture, the house's design emphasized three primary traits: honesty of materials, variable transparency of forms, and juxtaposition of "industrial" materials and fixtures with a more traditional style of home décor. The primary materials used were steel, glass, and glass block. Some of the notable "industrial" elements included rubberized floor tiles, bare steel beams, perforated metal sheet, heavy industrial light fixtures, and mechanical fixtures.
The design was a collaboration among Pierre Chareau (a furniture and interiors designer), Bernard Bijvoet (a Dutch architect working in Paris since 1927) and Louis Dalbet (craftsman metalworker). Much of the intricate moving scenery of the house was designed on site as the project developed. The external form is defined by translucent glass block walls, with select areas of clear glazing for tranparency. Internally, spatial division is variable by the use of sliding, folding or rotating screens in glass, sheet or perforated metal, or in combination. Other mechanical components included an overhead trolley from the kitchen to dining room, a retracting stair from the private sitting room to Mme Dalsace's bedroom and complex bathroom cupboards and fittings.
The program of the home was somewhat unusual in that it included a ground-floor medical suite for Dr. Jean Dalsace. This variable circulation pattern was provided for by a rotating screen which hid the private stairs from patients during the day, but framed the stairs at night.
The house is notable for its splendid architecture, but it may be more well known for another reason. It was built on the site of a much older building which the patron had purchased and intended to demolish. Much to his or her chagrin, however, the elderly tenant on the top floor of the building absolutely refused to sell, and so the patron was obliged to completely demolish the bottom three floors of the building and construct the Maison de Verre underneath, all without disturbing the original top floor.
Dr. Dalsace was a member of the French Communist Party who played a significant role in both anti-fascist and cultural affairs. In the mid-1930s, the Maison de Verre's double-height "salle de séjour" was transformed into a salon regularly frequented by Marxist intellectuals like Walter Benjamin as well as by Surrealist poets and artists such as Louis Aragon, Paul Éluard, Jean Cocteau, Yves Tanguy, Joan Miró and Max Jacob. According to the American art historian Maria Gough, the Maison de Verre had a powerful influence on Walter Benjamin, especially on his constructivist - rather than expressionist - reading of Paul Scheerbart's utopian project for a future "culture of glass", for a "new glass environment [which] will completely transform mankind," as the latter expressed it in his 1914 treatise Glass Architecture. See in particular Benjamin's 1933 essay Erfahrung und Armut ("Experience and Poverty"). Text wikipedia